Forschungsseminar: Current Studies in Environmental Geosciences

Semester: FS2024    Teilweise noch in Planung
Professor: Christine Alewell
Time: Monday starting 11:15 am-12:00 pm (Zoom online)

Hinweis: Vorträge sind in Englisch zu halten 


11.03.2024     Using duel isotopes (13C and 2H) of Lignin derived methoxy groups to

                        apportionment lignin sources in forest soils and aids in explaining

                        approximately 10% of the bulk 13C enrichment across the degradation continuum   Terry Cox

08.04.2024      Practicing lecture presentation for the EGU 2024 in Vienna                                         for everyone interested
22.04.2024      Identifying Soil Erosion on Terabyte-scale Aerial Imagery.                                            Fabricio Arend Torres
29.04.2024      The solution for the Lake Baldegg problem and isotopic landuse signatures from

                          different soil characteristics and geological settings.                                                   Axel Birkholz


06.05.2024      Linking biogeochemical and remote sensing data to evaluate peatland health.            Miriam Gross-Schmölders

06.05.2024                                                                                                                               Floriane Guillevic

13.05.2024                                                                                                                              Annika Einbock

13.05.2024                                                                                                                              Gabriela Moreno Romero

27.05.2024      Understanding the Relationship Between Soil erosion and Eutrophication.                  Surya Gupta

27.05.2024                                                                                                                               Gerald Dicen


Info: Pflichtveranstaltung für laufende und geplante Masterarbeiten innerhalb des Masters Geowissenschaften, Modul Umweltgeowissenschaften.